Bram Stoker’s

A Literary mapping and analysis of the events in THIS CLASSIC HORROR

exploration data visualization
Dracula is a captivating and suspenseful gothic novel steeped in horror, that has captivated the Victorian audience and since solidified its status as a timeless classic. The narrative unfolds through a series of individual accounts, as different characters recount their encounters with Dracula and their subsequent efforts to intercept him. This distinctive literary approach is visually represented through a Sankey timeline, where each entry is meticulously placed, accompanied by relevant supporting details.

The first poster includes all the events from chapters 1 to 14, where there is a shift between the supernatural and scientific. This poster introduces the reader to Dracula and the main themes and ideas surrounding it. In the top-left corner, there is a small overview of Dracula as a character and the novel. The top-right includes the map of Europe in 1890 to help the reader visualize each character's movement.help the reader visualize each character's movement.

The second poster covers all the events from chapter 15 to the end of the novel, where the group of humans kill Dracula and try to put all the events behind them. Together the posters show an overview of who's perspective we read during specific events of the novel. This poster is a continuation of the first, with the Sankey diagram picking up right where the first ended. The Sankey follows the same conventions as the previous one, showing characters in the middle and dates at either end. While this section is shorter, there are more entries written between September 26 and October 6. The poster includes two additional infographics. The bloodline shows a timeline of Dracula and his victims. Although there is no clear data before the events of the novel, it's known that Dracula has three "brides," who are people he turned into vampires. The second timeline along the right side shows popular vampire films that have been created after Dracula – with more films created as you get closer to the present day.
How to read

Starting in the middle of the Sankey: each character is listed with a short bio, colour and a symbol that represents them (e.g. Jonathan is a lawyer with a symbol of scales). Each entry starts with a location, followed by the main line motif, the width shows the length of their writing entry. The line meets the timeline on either side of the Sankey, defining the date of the entry. Above the date is their method of writing shown in gothic symbols. Important quotes are highlighted above their entry.

A — Map
B— How to read
C— Theme legend
D— First half of the novel summary
E— Entry length legend
F— Method of writing legend
G— Character relationships web
H—Chapter breakdown
I— List of main events
J— Characters’ descriptions and locations of writing


K— Second half of novel summary
L— Important quotes
M— Bloodline timeline with victims
N— Evolution of vampire movies timeline
O— Bats signify when Dracula is present in the character’s entry
P— Sankey timeline inlucdes: chapters and month of entry