CommerceBear engaged Renga to help transition from fragmented, manual operations to the new frontiers of automation and scalability. To know the furniture category is to know it’s complexity — big catalogues, bulky SKUs and tangled supply chains type of complex. And there’s no system of record for the space. CommerceBear aims to be the brand that the furniture and home-goods category comes to love and trust. CommerceBear was looking to power all home goods and that this was not just business, but rather a personal passion, we developed a beacon that guided it all; ‘Bear is Home.’ It is for all home goods, it’s for the way the goods make your house and home.  

Navigating the complexities of the industry, the team had the opportunity to explore a Vis ID for an industry that has no cliches or unique identifiers. Inspired by nature and its name, CommerceBear’s identity takes motifs and colours found in the wild and applies them to a digital landscape. The symbol is dynamic and can act as a container to showcase the other home goods that Commercebear was now supporting. Knowing that their clients were focused on the tangible, there was an intentional push to ensure the brand felt powerful, yet comfortable, grounded and a place where you could really have a seat and take a load off.